Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It Puts the Lotion on Its Skin

Summer is definitely on its way and it is gearing up to be a hot one! Saturday of last weekend (and the proposed 34 degrees for tomorrow) Sydney really put on a show with a warm temperature and beautiful blue skies.
Our lack of ozone, hot temps and love for everything outdoors in Australia has meant that protecting our skin is at the fore-front of social issues over the next couple of months. Obviously getting a good sun screen is essential.
For all you men out there who head down to the beach with mates, often the others do not want to "put the lotion on YOUR skin". Problem? Sun screen in an aerosol can...Solution! Just spray and lay.
And every year down at the beach at about this time one of the major news services heads down to Bondi and gets some footage of all of the young sun-bathers and puts it in the evening news along with content close to the tune of "doctors warn of the potential for skin cancer when getting a tan". Definitely the older you get, the more you realise that getting a tan is not the most important thing; but try explaining that to the younger generation who have been waiting all year to do so.
In many other countries getting a tan is actually avoided at all costs, as it suggests that these people are of a lower socio-economic stature and hence have to work menial tasks in the outdoors. A lot of reasoning Australians give for valuing a tan is that it shows that you spend time outdoors and hence are 'healthier'. Value systems and differences between cultures are sometimes dichotomies which offer an insight into lifestyle and day to day life.
All I can say is slip, slop, slap. Enjoying time in the sun and on the beach is important and will always be very much a part of Australia. But when you head down to the beach take sun screen. Get some summer attire; some loafers, nice board shorts and a long sleeves white linen button up to pair with it. This gives a really relaxed vibe but adds an air of style to your look, as everyone around you struts in their fluro and sequined singlets.
Also - sunglasses...and polarized at that. Protect your eyes as much as your skin Ray Ban do quite a few really nice ones http://www.ray-ban.com/australia
Top it off with a nice hat http://www.strandhatters.com.au/ have some really nice panama hats that are really on trend at the moment.
Most importantly enjoy the summer!

Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs

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